Below you will find information on the various virtual classes that DSAW-Fox Cities is currently offering.
Below you will find information on the various virtual classes that DSAW-Fox Cities is currently offering.
Please click back to this general information page, for registration & cost information.
Please click back to this general information page, for registration & cost information.
DSAW Connects Virtual options (with a cost)
DSAW Connects: Statewide Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 Programs Schedule and Sections
Explore our fun and effective classes! These are the same DSAW Connects classes that you have come to know and love.
DSAW Connects: Statewide Programs are led by DSAW staff and volunteers who have been interviewed and background checked.
Explore our fun and effective classes! These are the same DSAW Connects classes that you have come to know and love.
DSAW Connects: Statewide Programs are led by DSAW staff and volunteers who have been interviewed and background checked.

Move & Groove
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9-10 AM
Get your sweat on while having fun! We will learn new moves and dance to your favorite music.
Course Objectives: Physical fitness, self-expression, learning new movement styles and routines
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9-10 AM
Get your sweat on while having fun! We will learn new moves and dance to your favorite music.
Course Objectives: Physical fitness, self-expression, learning new movement styles and routines

DSAW Connects: Body Blast
Tuesday/ Thursday 9:00-10:00 AM
A modified and inclusive fitness class for all abilities! Fun workout music and socialization with friends will enhance your experience and keep fitness fun!
Course Objectives: Physical fitness, improving flexibility, stress reduction, body strengthening
Tuesday/ Thursday 9:00-10:00 AM
A modified and inclusive fitness class for all abilities! Fun workout music and socialization with friends will enhance your experience and keep fitness fun!
Course Objectives: Physical fitness, improving flexibility, stress reduction, body strengthening

Let's Get Connected
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10 AM - 11 AM
Take a trip around the world at home from your own computer! Experience new cultures, foods, and languages from different locations across the globe. Learn how to make new friendships while strengthening current relationships.
Course Objectives: Communication skills, relationship development, creative thinking, skill development
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10 AM - 11 AM
Take a trip around the world at home from your own computer! Experience new cultures, foods, and languages from different locations across the globe. Learn how to make new friendships while strengthening current relationships.
Course Objectives: Communication skills, relationship development, creative thinking, skill development

Healthy Habits
Monday / Wedensday 10am - 11am
Learn and apply healthy habits in your daily lives. Gain skills and education around nutrition, healthy choices, physical movement, mindfulness & wellness
Monday / Wedensday 10am - 11am
Learn and apply healthy habits in your daily lives. Gain skills and education around nutrition, healthy choices, physical movement, mindfulness & wellness

Media Madness
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11 AM - 12 PM
Explore media, technology, pop culture, internet safety and appropriate ways to communicate using technology.

Sports Talk
Tuesdays & Thursdays 2 PM - 3 PM
A fun filled hour focusing on all things sports! discussing players, teams, history, current topics and fun statistics.

Stepping in Style
Tuesday & Thursday 4 PM - 5 PM
An exciting dance class, learning different methods of dance, moves and routines to get your body moving in style.
Criss Cross Training
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 4 PM - 5 PM
Feeling sluggish in the afternoon? Our Criss Cross Training exercise class incorporates fun fitness exercises and movement routines set to popular music. Incorporating isolated movement, dance & yoga.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 4 PM - 5 PM
Feeling sluggish in the afternoon? Our Criss Cross Training exercise class incorporates fun fitness exercises and movement routines set to popular music. Incorporating isolated movement, dance & yoga.
Creative Corner
Monday Nights 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Explore your creative side with our virtual art class! Participants will engage in the art making process using a wide range of media and techniques.
Monday Nights 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Explore your creative side with our virtual art class! Participants will engage in the art making process using a wide range of media and techniques.
Life Skills & Laughter
Tuesday Nights 6 PM - 8 PM
Join DSAW for a class that combines Life Skills and Stream Team classes. The first hour is designed to develop life skills while the second hour offers a variety of fun games, online exploration, trivia, relationship building, and lots of laughter!
Course Objective: Life skill development, strengthening communication, relationship building, positivity
Tuesday Nights 6 PM - 8 PM
Join DSAW for a class that combines Life Skills and Stream Team classes. The first hour is designed to develop life skills while the second hour offers a variety of fun games, online exploration, trivia, relationship building, and lots of laughter!
Course Objective: Life skill development, strengthening communication, relationship building, positivity
Wednesday Nights 6:30PM - 7:30PM
Learn how to make new friendships while strengthening current relationships. Understand the importance of safety and boundaries, appropriate communication, self-advocating and consent.
Wednesday Nights 6:30PM - 7:30PM
Learn how to make new friendships while strengthening current relationships. Understand the importance of safety and boundaries, appropriate communication, self-advocating and consent.

Young Leaders Academy
Thursday Nights 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
We will be preparing our young advocates with applicable real world skills.
Course Objectives: Employment readiness, leadership and advocacy skills, public speaking

Virtual Movie Night
Fridays 6 PM - 8 PM
Grab your popcorn & snacks and cozy up to your computer, it's movie night!
Join DSAW for entertainment with films and fun!
Saturday Morning Strength Training
Saturdays 10AM-11AM
This NEW Saturday morning strength class is a fitness program that encompasses all aspects of physical fitness. Focus on targeting all muscle groups by engaging in dynamic and isolated movements. This class promotes strength, cardiovascular endurance and muscle growth.
Saturdays 10AM-11AM
This NEW Saturday morning strength class is a fitness program that encompasses all aspects of physical fitness. Focus on targeting all muscle groups by engaging in dynamic and isolated movements. This class promotes strength, cardiovascular endurance and muscle growth.